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게시물 내용

OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code 중 동물실험 포함
  • 작성일2011-01-31
  • 조회수1,919
OIE(세계동물보건기구)에서는 2010년 Terrestrial Animal Health Code에 동물복지분야를 포함하였으며 이중 Chapter 7.8 Use of animals in research and education (파일첨부)이 동물실험과 관련되어 있습니다

이외 section 7.에는
 -The transport of animals by land
 -The transport of animals by sea
 -The transport of animals by air
 -The slaughter of animals for human consumption
 -The killing of animals for disease control purposes
 -The control of stray dog populations
 -The use of animals in research and education
 -The welfare of farmed fish during transport
 -The welfare aspects of stunning and killing of farmed fish for human consumption.
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